Finished Animation Gif – With critical analysis

Finished Animation Gif - With critical analysis

This is a gif version of my animated sequence on the theme of ‘Change of State’. It is exactly 7.8 seconds long and I think flows nicely for such a complex idea. My initial idea was to create a superhero transformation in which a timid, nerdy looking character would transform into a sexy, confident character (Based on the sexual fashion styling of the BDSM community.) I wanted to first show his clothing disappearing to a white base, then show him slowly creating his costume with either props or movements of the hand.
As far as flow wise I think this animation works very well. The line work is consistent and relatively limited so it was not ridiculous to try and maintain this style over 8 seconds. I think he moves very naturally, and I think his gestures are clear enough that it is pretty obvious what he is doing when he does make a gesture. I feel his facial expressions also work very well, as he has a smirking, confident air once his old clothing is gone that he lacks in the first few frames.
Anatomically I think that over all my grasp of anatomy was well executed, as his fat and muscular deposits move in a mostly correct way and bunch up in their intended places well.
However I do feel that my anatomy went wrong on a few frames where my weak grasp on foreshortening let me down. A few times towards the beginning his arm is far too short, so I feel it ruins the otherwise well executed movement slightly.
Also I feel that my ending and beginning artwork seems a little clumsy and lazy compared to the rest of the animation.
Next time if I were to take on something like this again, I would focus more on the beginning and ending sections, to develop them to the same high quality that the middle section has. Perhaps focusing on anatomy and limited lines like I did in the middle.
I would also like to focus on my perspective a little more, as it was something that let me down over all. I need to look at how arms flex when forward, particularly when they are bending towards the camera.
Over all I do however think that this piece fits the brief very well. My character not only goes though a change of physical state, but also undergoes an emotional change of state into a confident and cool character. The timing is also just under but I think its a short enough length issues that this should not be a problem.
do differently
does it show the theme

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