Modern and Historical Research (Icarus)

The story of icarus is an old tale, commonly known as a story of not over exerting yourself or straying too far from the right path. A Greek myth, Icarus is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus. In the common myth, Icarus attempts to escape from Crete by flying on wings crafted by his father from wax and feathers. His father gave him strict instructions not to fly too close to the sun, which he ignored. This caused the wax to melt from his wings and him to fall into the sea where he died by drowning.


(Icarus via Adama Telus Community)

Icarus’ story is that of a fathers love and untimely demise of a boy who loved to fly too much. His design has varied over the years since his origin, but the main constant is always his wings. It seems that the main consesus is that these wings of his must have been strapped to him in some way, so a lot of illustrations show him with harnises or straps holding his wings to his body.


(The Downfall of Icarus)

It seems to vary in his design wether his wings are strapped to his arms or chest, but most fesibly for the ability to fly to be realistic it would seem his wings would be attached tohis arms, alowing him to flap like a bird without mechanisms.

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